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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Kindness

I have a sort of confession to make. I have never felt kind. At least, I have never felt what I imagine kindness to be. I have helped people. I have carried old people's luggage for them, helped the blind cross the street, donated to charities and all the rest of it. But it has all been done with the goal of avoiding guilt. Put simply, I know, based on my personal code of ethics (such as it is, don't laugh) what is supposed to be kind and what isn't, and I know that if I do the nasty thing, I'll feel horribly guilty. Hence I have often done the kind thing. I've often been kind. But I've never felt it.

Is this normal !?! Is kindness nothing more than the avoidance of guilt !?! Or is it just me !?!


GreenOnion said...

That is a good question. Do you feel happy when you do the kind-to-avoid-guilt things?

Yogababy said...

I guess so. But there again, I'm not sure if it's happiness as I understand it, or just relief.

GreenOnion said...

maybe that's all happiness really is...