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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Regarding The Binghampton Murderer

A guy called Voong (Wong) went bananas and killed 13 and injured others in Binghampton in New York.

From AP ( :

"Police and Wong's acquaintances portrayed him as an angry, troubled 41-year-old man who struggled with drugs and job loss and perhaps blamed his adopted country for his troubles. His rampage "was not a surprise" to those who knew him, Zikuski said."

I have a mild question:

If this guy's massacre did not come as a surprise (meaning people kinda sorta thought even before the incident that he might do something like this), why the heck was he issued a gun permit !?!


GreenOnion said...

That police chief is mean! Saying that he was a coward, that's a little uncalled for. I'm sure the guy messed up, but it's not really a time for name calling!

Yogababy said...

True. Also, the police have to ask themselves the question, :Why did they allow someone who was that troubled to carry loaded guns !?! I mean, they allowed him to be given the permit and the guns.