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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Random Observation

I was looking up recreational classes to join over the summer - specifically badminton classes which would help me with my footwork. I've been playing the sport for a while now, but I still stagger around the court like a drunken sack of crap. Needless to say, they have taken badminton classes off the list this term. Just this term, apparently. Presumably, just to piss me off. 

Anyway, I started looking at other courses on offer, and then, due to the beauty of the internet, at random courses for all kinds of activities off campus and noticed something interesting:
A lot of them are sub-categorised into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. The thing is, while intermediate and advanced are indicators of ability, beginner is an indicator of experience. Hence, the three don't really form a set. This irritates the prude in me. However, calling someone a beginner is certainly more kind. Naming the levels 'Useless, Intermediate and Advanced' is just rude. So, despite my uptight views, I quite like the elegant politeness shown here.