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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sin City Blues

A lab-mate of mine went to Las Vegas recently (for a conference). On the day he checked in at his hotel, he ran into another conference attendee whom he happened to know.

Lab-Mate (LM): Hey.
Other Attendee (OA): Yo.
LM: Why the long face !?!
OA: Lost my luggage.
LM: Oh really !?! Shame... Anything of value !?!
OA: Yeah, a brand new suit, an IPod Touch and a gold watch.
LM: Whoa! Well, I hope you get it back mate.
OA: Yeah, thanks.

The following evening, LM met OA again. This time OA was in very high spirits. There was gold on his wrist and something in his pocket was playing Coldplay.

LM: I see you found your luggage.

OA looked at him with a blend of contempt and triumph.

OA: FOUND it !?! Why, I WON it back !!!

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