Antonio was minding his own business - playing on the street with the other kids like his parents taught him to - when a parked truck backed up over him. Let's take a minute to go over that. The brakes didn't fail. The driver wasn't speeding. A truck that was parked on the side of the road BACKED UP over the 11 year old boy. That's not just bad luck - that's a personal dare from Satan.
The accident left him with broken legs and broken ribs. Also, a pierced liver and injured diaphragm. And a punctured lung. Look, just think of an organ, it was probably screwed. He was in a coma for days and in the hospital for almost an year. The doctors overseeing his recovery insisted he WAS dead. They even left various odd bits and pieces of infectious equipment in him to make sure...
"Yeah, he's a goner."
"Only a matter of a day or two, folks."
"OK, he's holding but he won't be off the life support."
"Alright, but he'll never walk..."
"Only a matter of a day or two, folks."
"OK, he's holding but he won't be off the life support."
"Alright, but he'll never walk..."

Honestly, we'd have been impressed if he were just the fucking referee.
Two decades after staring down Death, Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira has won the UFC heavyweight title and the PRIDE heavyweight title and along the way, earned the right to use a fantasy character nickname without being laughed at as a deluded nerd. Rather unsurprisingly, he's known for the ability to take massive amounts of punishment early on and then turn it up and beat the crap out of his fatigued opponents. We're not sure why his opponents even try. How the hell do you plan on winning a fight against a guy who shrugged off an assault by a truck as a kid !?!
That is really frikkin' cool
Yeah, he is pretty amazing. I'm trying to make a sort of blog series out of such comeback athletes.
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