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Friday, September 25, 2009

A Thought On Craigslist

I wonder if anyone has ever looked at the environmental impact of sites such as Ebay and Craigslist. Considering that reusing stuff is the best way to cut down on environmental impact, and that that's precisely what both these sites do, their role in helping save the environment must be quite substantial. Reusing electronics, especially, must be keeping an impressive amount of harmful chemicals out of landfills and water bodies.

This seems to hold particularly in the case of Craigslist which encourages local trading and thus keeps shipping to a minimum. It would be really interesting to see someone do research to try and quantify this impact.


GreenOnion said...

That would be cool! I may just steal that for my masters if someone doesn't get to it first :P

Yogababy said...

Be my guest. Let me know what you find :).

GreenOnion said...

haha thanks :-) I'm sure you'll here about it when my master's thesis makes the news, but I'll send you a bound copy you can keep for yourself :P