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Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm Likin' It (In That Way)

McDonald's has recently taken to writing refreshment related puns on their soft drink cups. The one I had last had the following pun on it:


Now, this isn't the most intellectually pleasing pun ever, but it's OK. The French version (this being Canada, everything has to be written in both languages - someone should really look into the environmental and economic impact of essentially having to write everything twice; all that ink and paper must cost a lot and when put in the landfills/recycled, seep in large quantities into the water systems)...where was I... oh yes. The French version says:

"EN MODE DE RAFRAICHISSEMENT" or something very similar.

Now I don't really speak any French (apart from the "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, mon cher petit mouton !?!" variety), but I have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't in any way witty. It's just a translation of the English pun. Really, Quebec!?! I mean, come on. If you're going to hound the rest of the country into putting funny sounding words on every damn thing, at least make up a bloody pun.


GreenOnion said...

Were there puns that didn't make sense in English, but were funny in French? 'Cause then it's fair.

Also, mon cher petit mouton....really?

Yogababy said...

Probably there are, but that just means that both sides are lazy bastards :). Faults on both sides don't really neutralise each other here.

Also, sometimes, I was lonely in England and there were sheep. Don't judge.