Given that the tendency to have sex (and babies) shoots up after times of stress (e.g. after the 9/11 bombings), I wonder if the earthquake might result in a boost to the Japanese birthrate. I'm not trying to be flippant, I'm just trying desparately to find something good to say under the circumstances.
I'm really not sure why the plight of the Japanese seems to have affected me so much. It's not like I've anyone close from the place. Maybe it's the sheer contrast between their hyper bubbly game shows and the horror of what's happened over there. It's a bit like watching a video of happy little seals playing in the ocean one moment and, without warning, being torn apart by orcas the next. It's all the more jarring for the contrast.
is an increase in birthrates a good thing when your country is in ruin?
Perhaps not generally, but given that that's considered Japan's long term problem, maybe in this particular instance, it is.
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