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Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Tale Of Two Countries

Consider two countries which have recently suffered from devastating earthquakes - Haiti and Japan. Both - yes, even the Japanese - are in need of aid. (I know the Haiti earthquake happened a while ago, but I would be very surprised if its effects have been completely undone.) My question is this:
Arguably, Haiti needs aid more than Japan does.
Also arguably, given that the situation in Haiti is so chaotic, while the Japanese have managed to maintain control and stability, aid sent to Japan will be used much better than any sent to Haiti.
If you could had give aid to one, and only one, of these two countries, which would it be!?!

Let us say you were given $100 and told you were allowed to donate to both, how would you split it!?!


GreenOnion said...

I would give it to Haiti because people are already forgetting about it. It seems like natural disasters are the most striking for the first 4-6 months after they happen. People rush to send aid and then something else happens and their attention is diverted.

yogababy said...

That is very true. Also, I guess, even if most of the money is badly spent, the money that does go through to the poor actually helps to SAVE LIVES as opposed to making people's lives more livable - as would be the case in Japan.