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Saturday, January 23, 2010

An Incoherent Hello (To Ring In The New Year !)

I actually got feedback on the blog from one of my friends yesterday - it seemed a little pointless, he said - bluntly. This pointed observation was, of course, fine by me, since pointless babbling is the point of this blog. Whether my friend understood this point and was merely pointing it out for general benefit, or missed it altogether, is not the point of this post. The point is, his remark made me remember that I had a blog. Other considerations had driven it to the back of my mind round about the end of December, tied to the radiator in the basement and left it at the mercy of Providence. Perhaps sad, forlorn travellers in the overgrown and sinister backwaters of the internet wherein it is kept prisoner, might stumble upon it. And if they do, they should be made welcome. 



Hello. Welcome to my blog, one and all (usually one, occasionally two).

This is not a blog where you get someone who picks up a topic and systematically puts up an argument in favor of or against it and then moves on to do the same thing with something else. This is not the kind of blog where you are treated to cute anecdotes about somebody's babies and how the whole family had a Christmas to remember. This is not even a blog about how I did the Grouse Grind. This is the kind of blog where you get someone who rambles on and on without rhyme or reason in a tone of unrelenting cynicism and if you continue reading you go mad with depression and want to smash the monitor and slit your throat with the shards. And then you realise that you have an LCD screen. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!! 

I assure you, this will happen if you faithfully and regularly read this stuff. At least, I like to believe so.

With that warning, I once again bid you welcome to my blog.

Well, not entirely mine. I share it with my alter ego (he does the manic; I do the depressive). He does Mondays, Thursdays and the weekend. I do the rest. He likes music and art and going on hikes and the beach and reading novels and all that shit. He's a #$%^%.

I'm not. I don't care for that crap. Actually, I just do not care.

I am a cynic and (on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays) this is my blog.