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Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am at a rather liberal university and there are a lot of atheists around and trust me, no one dwells more on the topic of God than atheists.

I bring up this topic since I recently had a conversation with someone regarding God, or rather one of His attributes - eternity. And what I realised during the conversation was this: I readily understand the concept of something or someone without an end. But something/someone without a beginning - that's tricky. I have no problem logically comprehending the concept; it's essentially -infinity years. But I have trouble intuitively getting a feel of it.

Perhaps it is because, since we are still alive, it is possible to consider a scenario where that status quo is maintained. But since we ourselves had a beginning, it is difficult to get a feel of always having been.

Of course, this is assuming everyone else feels the same way. It could be just me.

1 comment:

GreenOnion said...

I think everyone feels this way, just look at the concept of eternal life as an example. People were born, but we never really die because our soul will still live on. I was going to write more, but I'm running out the door, so maybe I will continue this later :)