Why do people panic !?! Or perhaps more accurately, why do they turn into brain frozen, jelly limbed wrecks when they do !?! I mean, surely it is a disastrous trait to become functionally useless at the precise time when danger is clearest (and presentest). I realise that there are some people whose response to danger is to become very level headed - to stay calm and cool in the midst of a crisis. But these people are very clearly in a minority. Moreover, in our long evolutionary path to the present day, humans must have been put in panic inducing situations many, many times and it is more or less obvious that in such situations, the calm ones must invariably perform better than the gibbering twits. And by perform better, I mean survive. How is it then, that most have descended from the flailing, simpering gits and not the brave, calculating icemen !?! How does evolution account for this!?! Conversely, since this trait has obviously withstood the test of time, what purpose does it serve !?!
haha maybe compassion from the non blithering idiots has caused them to save us from ourselves :-)
You assume that panic leads to paralysis. Occasionally it may do so but most often it makes he person run at superfast speeds and save himself. Panini who wrote the grammar of Sanskrit was travelling through a forest with his discilpes. A tiger attacked them. the disciples panicked and climbed a tree and saved themselves. Panini was calm and shouted out the etymology of the word "vyaghra" meaning tiger which had just occurred to him to his disciples. That was his last contributin to grammar. Incidentally the the etymology is "vyommam jighrati sa vyaghraha"(one who smells the sky).
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