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Friday, April 3, 2009

Self Centered

I was on the bus yesterday and happened to overhear a couple conduct the most self centered conversation I have ever heard in person. From what I gathered from their conversation, they had planned a party and had invited friends over. One friend had dropped out at short notice because his parents had been in a car accident and he was staying with them in the hospital. The couple's reaction to this was non-stop bitching about his frightful treatment of them, without so much as a word of sympathy. The only time they mentioned the parents was when they claimed that they had not been hurt badly ("It's only a little bruising, why couldn't he just come away after checking them in - for %&*&$'s sake !?!")

Now I've been, and still am, rather self centered myself. Everyone is, in some measure. But this takes the cake. This is selfish to the point where not only does other people's pain not move you, but it doesn't even register that they may have any pain whatsoever. It's like a man who not only breaks his wife's arms but then complains that she's not making him tea.



Anonymous said...

Hopefully they were doing a psychology experiment on unwary passengers. Did they ask you to fill in a form?

glugui is the word verification word. Now that should be a word.

Yogababy said...

Now that's a possibility :). An UNLIKELY one, but still, a possibility.

My last 'verify word' was "jocked", which I am sure is an actual word.

Incidentally, there used to be a GUI development related site called, I believe.

GreenOnion said...

Maybe their friend's parents are always getting into car accidents with only moderate injuries, so this is old hat to them.

I got apicari, which sounds like a type of bird to me. I think glugui should be an adventure found on ones own and exaggerated when retold to make it seem more boring than it actually was. And if jocked is not a word, I'm pretty sure I've used it in a sentence before.

Yogababy said...

Jocked is a word. Urban dictionary says so :).

Also, re the couple's behaviour, you've probably hit the nail on the head :).

GreenOnion said...

I knew I'd used it before!

untaggi's the word of the hour