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Thursday, April 30, 2009


There's this new fangled malady going around - swine flu and it's bad.  Someone objected to it being called 'swine' flu - since swine are offensive to muslims and jews. I'm not sure how that works; presumably, if you're a jew or a muslim and you get the flu, then you've commited a sin 'cause you got pig stuff in you, I guess. So they want it renamed - because apparently that's going to change the fact that it comes from pigs. Or something. Anyway, there was a suggestion that it be renamed to 'Mexican' flu, since that's where it started.... and those guys haven't taken that too well. So now, it's not just a cold, it's also a political headache.

Also, I'm not sure whether calling it "anything flu" is going to make it easy to get the public to take it seriously. I know influenza was a kick-arse disease back in the day, and some of its variants wreak devastation even today. But we've come to associate the word 'flu' with a mild cold that you shake off with a couple of Tylenols and a morning in bed with your favourite novel. No one's going to take 'swine flu' with the seriousness it deserves. You might as well call it 'piggy sniffles'. No. I suggest we should give it a really deadly sounding name.

Any suggestions !?! 


GreenOnion said...

I've got it! Disease of Death and Doom or 3D for short. Terrifying...I know I'm already taking it more seriously.

Yogababy said...

That is an impressive name. Unfortunately, in this day and age, it sounds more like a video game title (a kick-arse video game, mind you, but still). Probably because of Doom, I guess.

leigh-anne said...

I see no reason why "piggy sniffles" shouldn't work.

GreenOnion said...

Pigs are too cute, so a pig with sniffles is just adorable. That would have worked for bird flu as a chicken with sniffles is a terrifying image that haunts my dreams because chickens are a very scary creature.

GreenOnion said...

Also... Hi, leigh-anne and rob! It's like the whole office is here :P
